What is a Digital Marketing Agency Anyway?

Digital marketing is a term that many consumers are familiar with, but few know what a digital marketing agency is, or what it does. As a business owner, this can make it difficult to know if it’s something that you need to consider. Let’s get into it…. We’re here to dive into what a digital marketing agency is, what it’s meant to do, and how it can help you grow your business. 

What is Digital Marketing 

Before you can understand what a digital marketing agency is, you first have to know the meaning behind the marketing term you’ve seen splashed on social media and blog sites. Simply put, digital marketing is the marketing of products and services online. Everything from social media ads to email campaigns falls under digital marketing. 

Given that so many businesses today only exist online, it makes sense that this new method of advertising takes place in a virtual setting. Other examples of digital marketing include: 

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Pay-per-Click ads (PPC)

  • Content Marketing (Blog posts)

  • Email Marketing Campaigns 

  • Social Media Posting & Engagement 

  • Website Design 

If it lives on the internet and it involves your business engaging with your target audience, it’s digital marketing. 

The Role of a Digital Marketing Agency 

The role of a digital marketing agency is to facilitate the ways in which you communicate with your audience online, through whatever mediums you prefer. There are some agencies that offer services a la carte, such as social media management or content marketing. These are a good fit for companies that have a digital marketing strategy in place and just need support in certain areas, or who are just starting out and want to slowly work their way up to a full-service agency. 

Full service agencies, as the name suggests, are those that offer complete digital marketing services, from helping companies to establish their mission and vision and creating content calendars to setting up social media platforms and managing posting and engagement. Think of these as an extension of your team, dedicated to helping you grow your brand awareness and engage with your audience. 

How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Help Grow Your Business 

You may be thinking that a full agency isn’t necessary for your business, and you may be right. 

Depending on what stage your business is in, there is a lot that you can do on your own - establishing a social media presence and engaging with your audience, for example. However, if you are in a stage of growth, a digital marketing agency can help you scale your business faster and more efficiently than if you tried to grow on your own. 

Here are some practical examples of how a digital marketing agency can help: 

  • Manage Your Budget Effectively - an agency can help you create a realistic budget for things like SEO and content marketing, and help you create a plan that stays within your limits. 

  • Monitor and Evaluate Campaigns - “set it and forget it” doesn’t apply to marketing campaigns. The most effective method is to monitor them, see what works and what doesn’t, and adjust so that you can create campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

  • Establish long- and short-term strategies - marketing strategies usually run for about a year, targeting specific goals like increasing website traffic or generating a certain amount of leads. A digital marketing agency can ensure that you stay on track with your long-term goal by setting shorter-term check-ins on a monthly or quarterly basis. 

  • Increase brand awareness - the digital marketing world is saturated with businesses that are trying to establish their presence and engage with their customers. Having the help of a digital marketing agency can make your brand stand out from the rest by honing in on your niche and finding creative ways to connect with your audience on a human level. 

  • Provide access to the latest tools and trends - if you aren’t a digital marketing buff yourself, it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with what is most popular with consumers, and the tools that are most effective. An expert team can guide you in the right direction to make sure you’re staying up-to-date.  

Hackett Brand Consulting - a Purpose-Driven Digital Marketing Agency in Colorado

Hackett Brand Consulting exists to be a force for good in the world. Purpose is built into everything we do, and we aim to work with like-minded companies that are also mission-driven. For us, that means finding people who want to do good things in the world and creating a marketing strategy that will grow their business and help them make the greatest impact.

Working with us means gaining a team of people who will treat your brand as their own, marrying our marketing expertise together with your brand mission to help your business grow. 


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