Talking Public Relations and Communication

What is PR and How Can You Leverage it for Your Brand?

We've reached the age of social media influencers that could be anybody from your local neighborhood. Plus, the rise of numerous marketing media apps, social media channels, and everything else swirling around PR has people questioning if there's still a need for Public Relations (PR). 

The answer is a loud and undeniable YES! Your personal or business brand is way too valuable to be handled loosely or thrust into just any social media influencer's hands. Your message of truth, image, and relationships are volatile if left without a competent, capable guiding hand. In the age of digital marketing, here's why PR still matters.

What Is Public Relations?

Public Relations deliberately creates and manages content for press releases, the spread of information between people, organizations, and the public to build sustainable relationships. Public relations in marketing purposefully make a favorable, rewarding brand image. In comparison, digital marketing services use digital channels to promote and maintain brand visibility. Platforms such as social media, mobile apps websites, and search engines, are means to communicate awareness and identity but not necessarily connect or create brand intent and key informational messages. PR is who guides the relationship and connections through digital channels.

PR Works For You.

A fad of digital marketing is using social media influencers and their channels to boost brand image visibility without long-term advocacy. Influencers are truly valuable, but all it takes is one risky slip, and associated brands take a massive damaging hit leaving you to suffer a wild windfall. History gives many examples of that. A Public Relations firm will tailor and monitor such relationships, secure your interests, and brand patronage relationships in a way that works for you. If it goes south, PR won't disappear; it's there to bring the brand back on track.

Public Relations vs. Marketing

Unique brands maintain a distinction from their competition, which is the goal of marketing. Digital marketing uses media content for that distinction; the phrase popularly used is content is king. Who crowns the king? PR, of course. At the same time, digital marketing can provide typical idea content. Public relations provide unique, content, and media liaisons that promote your brand in response to eventualities with tact, substance, and strategic placement to secure distinctive responses. Digital marketing should be seen as a hand-in-hand companion of PR and not a replacement. Public relations enhance the best digital marketing company services.

Where Do We Go From Here?

The dynamics of public and media marketing relations have grown a bit over the years, but the core principle remains the same. Public relations are the distinctive content originators, the dedicated brand protectors, relationship builders, and information communicators on behalf of the organization and its customers. There are public relations in marketing. PR works hand-in-hand with digital marketing to channel the message, ideas, and feelings to customers for continued loyal brand patronage. Print sources and billboards may have gone digital, but the core principles that remain are messages that must strategically align with the target markets. For this reason, PR is more important than ever.


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