How to Define Your Brand Purpose? 6 Questions to Help Guide You

As a business owner, you can easily answer questions about what you do (the products and services you sell) and how you do it (what sets you apart from your competitors). The most important thing to know regarding your business, though, is why you do what you do.

If you’ve been following Hackett Brand Co. long enough, you know that this is our favorite thing to talk about. We stress the importance of defining your brand purpose and using it as the foundation for everything from your marketing efforts to your business operations.

One thing we don’t talk about enough, though, is how exactly to define that purpose.

Ask Yourself These Questions About Your Brand 

The good news about defining your brand purpose is that it can be anything you want it to be. The not-so-good news is that purpose can be a bit of an intimidating word. Ask yourself these questions to narrow it down in a way that you can articulate to the people you intend to serve - your customers:

  • What was your reason for starting a business? This can be as profound as wanting to make easy-to-use resources for classroom teachers, and as simple as wanting to be your own boss. 

  • What problem do you want to solve? Identify what value your product or service adds to your customers’ lives, such as creating fitness apparel that is both comfortable and affordable for people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

  • Who do you intend to serve? When you think of solving a problem, who are you solving it for? Are you helping a busy mom keep her schedule organized? Do you offer products to make skincare simple and straightforward? 

  • What change do you want to see in the world? Even if your business is not in an industry that leads the way in global change, identify what you care about. This will help you make a value-based connection with your customers. 

  • What makes you different from other companies in your industry? This can be a hard one to answer, but there is something you offer that no other company does, whether that’s your customer service, your company culture, or your innovative approach to product development. 

  • What do you want your company to be known for? Imagine that a customer of yours is describing what you do to a friend. What would they say? Why would they recommend you to someone? Be as descriptive as possible at first, then narrow it down to a sentence or two. 

Turn Your Answers into Action 

Now that you’ve answered all of those questions (which we know was not an easy thing to do), you’re ready to define your purpose statement. This doesn’t have to be a set-and-forget statement, but rather 1-2 sentences that explain why you’re in business beyond just making a profit. Take ours, for example: 

“We build marketing programs that drive business results while staying centered on the mission that drives you to wake up and work hard every day. And when that makes an impact on the world around us, well, that’s a pretty great feeling too.” 

It’s not fancy, but it’s genuine, and it drives everything we do from our daily operations and communications to our brand marketing strategy. Your purpose will do the same for you. 

Build A Brand Strategy Around Your Purpose With Hackett Brand Consulting

At the core of Hackett Brand Co. is a strong desire to be a force for good. Purpose is built into everything we do, and we aim to work with like-minded companies that are also mission-driven. For us, that means finding people who want to do good things in the world and creating a marketing strategy that will grow their business and help them make the greatest impact.

Ready to take your purpose and expand your business? Connect with us and we’ll use our expertise and resources to put your purpose into action. 


Brand Purpose in the Practice of Digital Marketing


Built on Purpose: 5 Great Examples of Brands With Purpose